Friday, May 27, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Begins House Arrest Today

We hope Lindsay Lohan is comfortable in her crib because she's going to be spending a lot more time there, starting today. Earlier this morning, Lohan arrived at the Lynwood Jail before returning
to her Venice, California home to begin her house arrest sentence, according to People.

"She is now confined to the interior premises of her home at all times," LA Sheriff's spokesman, Steve Whitmore, told People.

To keep Lohan in check, officers fitted the 24-year-old starlet with an electronic ankle monitoring bracelet that will not allow Lohan to leave her premises.

Although Lohan was originally sentenced to four months in jail after pleading no contest to the theft of a $2,500 necklace, it was decided that she would serve her sentence in the comfort of her own home due to facility overcrowding.

People also reports that Lohan could spend as little as two weeks on house arrest if she displays good behavior -- an option made possible due to the city's budget restraints. But she won't get off that easy, Lohan still must complete her 480 ordered hours of community service which she'll split between a downtown LA women's shelter and the county morgue.

Lohan's house arrest sounds more like a relaxing stay-cation to us. And hey, if she gets lonely, she can always throw a house party.


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